Sunday, February 18, 2007

PICTURES and other stuff!

If you can, please send me some emails. I like reading about what's happening at home!

Here are some of my pictures from Tokyo! Theres more from Nagoya too.

Here is the menu for Japanese Wendy's. Note the shrimp sandwich. I ate the Curry Tonkatsu(Pork cutlet) sandwich.

We went to Ueda Park for a day and saw some Chinese acrobats performing. They were all really talented. This guy had a giant ceramic pot on his head.

I think they were a family. This might be the younger sister. Those are her feet by her shoulders. She kept looking right at me, it was kinda creepy, but made for a good picture.

Heres the guy again. He balanced on top of chairs stacked at least 25 feet in the air.

We went to a few museums in the park to look at art and history. Along the way I saw an old lady with pink-purple hair. I didnt think people would believe that old lady's dye their hair crazy colors, but heres proof.

This is near our hostel in Asakusa.

Japanese people like their socks. Also taken at Asakusa.

This is just an average night in Shinjuku. Look at how insanely crowded it is.

The rest of these are from Nagoya. Theres a store in Sakae that sells nothing but robots. This guy was standing outside of it:

This is an example of what your average Japanese guy wears, especially in Nagoya. Its pretty scary.

There was a Chinese festival in the park in Sakae. This is a dancer, you can see her face in the center.

There were also Lion Dancers. The came out into the crowd. It was probably the coolest thing ever.

And finally, this little guy was just standing in the center of the pigeons, screaming. Haha, I had to take a picture.


Melissa said...

Hi Michael!!!! Awesome pictures, they look amazing! It's great you're having a wonderful time, and now you've had you're 15 min of fame in Japan as well. Kim and I watched the YouTube link and we were just like, "oh, my God! It's Michael!!" It was hilarious. (Our reaction and the video LOL)

We miss you! Keep taking lots of pictures so we can see when you get back! ~Melissa

kristin said...

so hey can you bring that little screaming boy home with you? he's perfect for my collection. XD
