Tuesday, February 27, 2007

I had to go pick up my Foreigner Registration Card at city hall last week, and went with my host mom. It went really well, but I look like a terrorist. My host mom was showing me the Hina Matsuri dolls (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hina_Matsuri). There was a guy from a cable station video taping it and asked if he could get us looking at them like we were interested. So that's the second time I'm on tv in Japan.

We had Temaki zushi My host mom prepared everything. It looks similar to this (this is not their house):

Its a big thing of sushi rice and various ingredients, like different fish, duck roast, octopus, etc. You pick your favorite ones, get a sheet of nori and some rice, and make your own sushi. Its really good. I ate so much.

Its strange being here. I'm so easy to pick out of a crowd. Whenever I see other foreigners, there is always this sort of unspoken rule where we should acknowledge each other with a nod or maybe even a hey.

I checked out this school called HAL institute of Technology in Nagoya a couple days ago. It was really cool. Here's the commercial for it http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ep3uLEEjUgg The school offers CG animation, video game development, computer programming, IT stuff, and music. It was so cool. I definitely want to have a career in video games in the future so when I get back home, Im gonna take more courses in animation at DePaul.

I went to Toganji temple and saw Nagoya's Daibutsu. Its a huge buddha statue. I took some pictures that Ill upload soon. It was amazing.

Everything is going well here but there are some things about America that I miss. You'd think its fattening food, but Japan actually has alot of it. Especially bread. There are bakeries and bread stores all over the place! Its so good too. But I really miss things like this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xiHaqCFQLxA .

Ok, until next time.

1 comment:

Elena said...

they must ahve a thing for putting you on TV, eh? And well, you do really stick out. You're super tall and such. Yeah, I imagine you do miss some things about America...hopefully not actually including that freaky commercial...but enjoy japan while you can. Time is flying, and before you know it, you'll be coming home. I think about moving there sometimes...ya know, staying there. I wonder how much I'd miss America?

Sounds like you're still having lots of fun and I'm sure I wouldn't even be able to keep up with your Japanese once you get back. Take care. Ja, matta ne.