Monday, February 19, 2007

National Japanese Television!

Hey, so in my previous post I had a picture of me being interviewed. I have a link to the actual broadcast! Its really crappy cause my friend recorded it on his digital camera from the tv, but its still cool. He only kept the parts with my friends on. Its also pretty hilarious. They were just asking what sorts of things we like about Japan and what not. We also get Japanese subtitles! They use them just to make it funnier from what I hear. You can also see in the corner some Picture in Picture of famous japanese people watching us and laughing! Cool!

1 comment:

Elena said...

sugoi! They really just walk around and talk to us gaijin, eh? I think that's kinda also shows that they(generally) like us, and don't hate our guts. I had seen on Good Morning America(not that I was awake to watch it, it was on the yahoo news) that they were in North Korea...and the people were all scared of her. Most wouldn't talk to her or just told her she was bad and evil and stuff...creepy as hell. They were all lead to believe that Americans are evil. Only a select few were kind to her. It made me sad. So if I had to go to Korea, you can bet I'd be going to the southern portion. Korean is actually my second favorite Asian language.

Anyways, I could actually understand quite a bit of what was being said, so that made me happy. And did you see the comment some racist idiot put on youtube? What a freak. So I reported the post. It's 6:30 AM and I think I should go to bed now. XD Oyasumi nasai!